Our collaboration
Stichting Studentensport Amsterdam represents the interests of student athletes in Amsterdam, SSA is the central organization overseeing all the student sport associations in Amsterdam. You can get a better overview of Amsterdam's student sports associations on their website!
USC Universum
The USC is a place where sports and athletes come together. This holds true for Kratos members as well since Kratos is located within the USC, where our weekly gym sessions and mock meets take place.
USC Fysio
USC Physiotherapy comprises a team of experienced and specialized physiotherapists located in three USC sports centers in Amsterdam. So, if you experience discomfort or sustain an injury from lifting, the physiotherapists at USC Physiotherapy are here to assist you!
Die Eet & Sport
Die Eet & Sport is the (sports) dietitian of USC Universum. This brings us the opportunity to enhance our knowledge and experience with nutrition. It will be beneficial for everyone to achieve their goals.
They offer seminars to provide us with additional knowledge voluntarily, but of course, many of us have also become their clients.
Sportcentrum VU
Located on the Uilenstede campus in Amstelveen and the VU campus in Amsterdam South, sportcentrum VU is a beautiful gym.
Sportcentrum VU brings people together with more that 35 different kinds of sports.
Established in 2020, Upfront is a company that produces/sells food and supplements and stands for transparency. They are committed to being honest about what is in their products. Their motto is also: "What is genuine, wins.
Thanks to our collaboration with Upfront, we now have the opportunity to offer discounts to our members. Let us know what you would like to order through us, and we will arrange it for you at the specified time.